Party: Trash Saturday 24 January - Australia Day

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Party: Trash Saturday 24 January - Australia Day

It's Australia Day weekend and we're pumped for a massive night of partying! Wear green & gold to get into the spirit of Australia Day and get down early for $5 drinks before 11pm.

Live bands Mail Day, Arrivals, Rooftops will be tearing up the basement from 9pm, then Trash DJs are on the decks till close.

Upstairs we will have party tunes pumping all night, with cheap drinks, a new awesome smoking area, and an amazing atmosphere. Get keen for Australia Day!

Eingeladen: Bri Crane, Liz Gillon, Jackson Yogi Grimes, David Smith, Laura Winter, Ashleigh-Maree Connell, Brooke Durrant, Courtney Kneen, Katie Bryce, Cindy Michelle, Olivia Kappel, Amy Maree Leitch, Krysti Karam, Colin Goobzstanga Waring, Beth Smedley, Lee Mullard, Kate Vrachas, Kelly Zapecki, Kate Yvonne, Albert Julian Young, Christopher Stewart mehr »