Club: Trash Saturdays


Trash Saturdays

114 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, Australia

Telefon: (02) 9261 8277
Über den Club:
TRASH is located at the ST JAMES HOTEL every Saturday night over two levels! Get in and get trashed... Mehr lesen
Events gesamt: 16
Alle Partygäste: 484
Alle männlichen Partygäste: 264 (55%)
Alle weiblichen Partygäste: 220 (45%)

Trash Saturdays Galerie (114)

Trash Saturday 19 October - Fallout Boy Pre Tour Party Trash 22nd June: IKTPQ Official Afterparty ft. Jona DJ set. Trash 8th June: Sleeping With Sirens album launch & PWD tribute. Trash 1st June: We Party. Trash 25th May: ADTR Tribute.