Party: 8th Annual Beach Jam for Breast Cancer Patient Care

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Party: 8th Annual Beach Jam for Breast Cancer Patient Care

Get ready for another GREAT event to help breast cancer patients in need.

The first Beach Jam for Beach Cancer Patient Care was held at the Westbrook Elks Lodge in August 2009, under a tent, in the pouring rain, and was attended by just over one hundred people, raising $4,060.46. A true “grassroots” event, the Beach Jam, was the brainchild of Skip Swift and Jim Pino Jr., members of Freeplay, to honor their friend Marnie who was undergoing breast cancer treatment. The Westbrook Elks Lodge offered to host the event, providing volunteers and the resources that laid the foundation for the success that the Beach Jam is today.

Fast forward to last year, where this event raised $58,000 for the Smilow Cancer Center (Yale-New Haven Hospital) and the Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center for Patient Care Services. Over the past 7 years, the event has raised over $175,000, making it one of the premier fund raising events in the State of Connecticut. The monies raised go directly to the patients in need, for items not covered by insurance. These include but are not limited to: rides to treatment, parking fees, holiday gift cards, groceries, etc.

Our volunteers number in the hundreds, many themselves breast cancer survivors. Attendees come from all over New England and the tri-state area, numbering in the thousands to celebrate and honor the lives and memories of loved ones, all while listening to some of the areas best bands, right on the beach!!! Limited VIP tickets will be available, and everyone gets the great food and drink specials offered by the Westbrook Elk's Lodge. There will be a delux silent auction, fun for the kids on the beach, and FANTASTIC LIVE MUSIC!

This year's lineup include some new bands and past playing favorites and is as follows:

Mike and the Muffin Tops
Out the Boxx
Rock Bottom
Branded (Country that Rocks)
Crosseyed Cat
Special Guest from LA - Shari Puorto
Mike Savino and Del Perez along with other special guests

Special guest appearances by local celebrities such as Erin Logan from Fox61 along with local politicians is expected.

It is going to be a GREAT TIME once again!
Sponsorship opportunities are still available! Please check out our site at Tickets can be purchased on line $30 and children under 12 are admitted free!