Party: Curry Night
Startseite > Wanneroo City Soccer Club Inc. > Curry Night
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Get your orders in for Curry night.
Please note: There will be a max of 20 dishes each to sell on the night on a first come first basis unless pre-ordered.
*** With only just over a week to go please show your interest by clicking on the "interested" or "Attending" tab to enable us to cater accordingly ***
How many would be interested in a Home cooked vegetarian curry at the WCSC on Wednesday 6th September 2017?
Are you stuck in limbo on what to cook after Wednesday night training?
Are you running around behind the kids with after school activities or just need a mid week break?
Whether you need to grab and go or stay and enjoy your Curry with a glass of wine or a nice cold beer, you will not be disappointed.
Yes you heard correct VEGETARIAN!! - let one of the soccer mums show you how Vegetarian food can be finger licking tasty too.
There will be a choice of several curries, served with rice/bread.
At this stage we are looking for numbers of interest. Depending on interest shown we will go ahead and run this and confirm soon as.
Please show your interest by clicking on the "Interested" tab to enable us to cater accordingly.