Party: MUMM Champagne Party

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MUMM Champagne Party

Club: Vabank Klubi

Geht: 4
Datum: 21.10.2016 23:00
Adresse: Harju 13, Tallinn, Estonia | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: MUMM Champagne Party

Reedel, 21. oktoobril Mumm šampanjapidu!

Tähistame taaskord reedet suurejooneliselt koos kuningate joogiga!

Seekord on meil hea meel tutvustada täiesti uut šampanjabrändi meie sortimendis- üks maailma suurimaid šampanjatootjaid ning F1 sarja ametlik võitjate jook Mumm!

Šampanjavahtu segavad kaunid linditüdrukud ning silmailu pakuvad graatsilised tantsijannad! Baarides enneolematud pakkumised majesteetlikule kihisevale peojoogile!

Parim klubielamus ning nauding luksuslikust kihisevast on garanteritud viietärni teenindusega lauast või voodist!

Peasaalis mängib DJ Rami, Moët VIP'is DJ Muul.


- Klubi uksed: peasaal ja seif kell 23.00, VIP-ruumid kell 00.00
Naistele esimesel tunnil prii sissepääs!
- Tavapileti hind 10€
- Sissepääs kuldkiibiomanikule + kaaslasele tasuta, hõbekiibiomanikule + 1 kaaslasele hind 5€/pilet
- VIP-pileti hind kuni kl 01.30: 15€, alates kl 01.30: 20€. VIP-pilet tagab sissepääsu peasaali VIP-alasse, Moët VIP'i, Hendrick's Room'i ja uude Bacardi Bedroom'i.

Parima peoelamuse saamiseks broneerige laud või voodi, mille maksumuse väärtuses saate nautida peojooke.

- LAUA broneering peasaalis: 150€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
- VIP-LAUA broneering peasaalis: 300€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
- LAUA broneering Moët VIP'is: 150€, mis sisaldab 0,75l šampanjat Moët & Chandon, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
- VOODI broneering: 250€, sisaldab samas vääringus joogikrediiti, snäkivaagnat, mugavat lauateenindust + 5 tasuta VIP-pääset
Täpsem info: +372 660 9900 või [email protected]
On FRIDAY, Octobet 21st: Mumm Champagne Party!

Time has come to again fill Your glasses with luxurious bubbles and celebrate Friday in good company!

We are glad to represent a brand new name in our assortment of champagnes- the drink of F1 winners and one of the biggest champagne producers in the world- MUMM! Irresistible offers for the drink of the night!

Dance music in the main hall by DJ Rami, in the Moët VIP by DJ Muul (R'n'B).


- Club is open: the main hall and Private Members' Club Vault Room from 11.00 p.m, VIP-rooms (Moët VIP, Hendrick's Room and Bacardi Bedroom) from 00.00.
- Free entry for ladies until midnight
- Regular ticket: 10€
- VIP-ticket until 1.30 a-m: 15€, from 1.30 a.m: 20€
- Entry for the Club Gold Members + 1 guest is free of charge, for the Club Silver Members + 1 guest for the price of 5€ (VIP-ticket). VIP-ticket enables entry to the VIP-area in the main hall and the VIP-rooms (Moët VIP, Hendrick's Room and Bacardi Bedroom).

Book a table or a bed to guarantee the best party experience! In the main hall the booking fee is Your drink credit for the night in the amount of which You may order drinks from Your waitress according to our drinks menu. It also enables a priority entry, table-service and welcome drinks for all guests.


- TABLE in the main hall: 150€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
- VIP-TABLE in the main hall: 300€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
- TABLE in the Moët VIP: 150€, which includes 0,75l bottle of Moët champagne, snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
- BED: 250€, which serves as a drink credit and includes snacks + 5 VIP-tickets
For further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us: +372 660 9900 or [email protected]