Party: Trilogy Kids Aquathon
Startseite > Trilogy Triathlon Club - Laois > Trilogy Kids Aquathon
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Trilogy Kids Aquathon is back again this year! This year we have a Splash & Dash option in all age categories to cater for the less confident swimmer. Our Age categories are as follows:
8-9 years Swim 150 m Run 800m
10-11 years Swim 250m Run 1200m
12-13 years Swim 350m Run 1600m
14-15 years Swim 450m Run 2000m
The Splash & Dash swim is 50m in all age categories and then the full run. Your child's age category will be determined by the age they will be on 31 December 2017 as per Triathlon Ireland Rules.
Entry cost €10 (€8 per family member thereafter)
Goodies for all participants on the day.