Party: EyeHateGod // Support: Mizanthrop

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Party: EyeHateGod // Support: Mizanthrop

New Orleans’ infamous EYEHATEGOD will release their first studio full length album in over 13 years through a partnership with Century Media Records for the world outside of North American and Japan. Housecore Records will be releasing the album in North America while Daymare Recordings will handle it in Japan. The self-titled album will be in stores on May 26th, 2014.
The recording process for the new album started with producer Billy Anderson back in the fold (he recorded 1996’s Dopesick). Anderson tracked drummer Joey LaCaze’s tracks prior to LaCaze’s tragic passing last year. A few months later the band reconvened at longtime friend Phil Anselmo’s home studio with producer Stephen Berrigan (Down) to finalize the recording. Mixed by Sanford Parker (Voivod, Corrections House), the album was entirely put together and financed by the band who later shopped it around to labels. With long last friendships with many of the CM European staff, they felt this was the best home for them.

"I have to say I don't believe we've lost nary a step in the creation of this album and we think these newer songs are a killer combination of classic EHG mixed along with our best production, mixing, engineering and songwriting in 13 years." front man Mike IX mentions. "The main and total tragic break in the chain, was obviously last year's death of our great friend and drummer Joey Lacaze. However, his original drum tracks made it onto the final master recordings and we're fucking psyched about that..."

Eingeladen: Jen Eidswick, Thorben Köhn, Sönke Huismann, Phil Ip, Amjad Tuhmaz, Jannik Döhle, Ahmad Tuhmaz, Marcel Scherreiks, Juli Ja, Hen Drik, Nina Roess, Alessandro Mele, Andreas Schnell, Ei Ke, Bjørn Traband, Deejay Sam, Bjoern Beninga, Philip Tréfás, Never At-home, Vanessa Marieta, Sandra Flow mehr »