Party: Babewatch
Startseite > The Palace > Babewatch
There's more to Babewatch than looking good and running slow motion in a red bathing suit.
It's about girl on girl, mouth to mouth and safe sun fun!
Make sure you catch our beach babes breathe life into the start of summer - you will never look at sunscreen the same way again!
Keep an eye our for our facebook competittion also, for the ultimate Babewatch experience.
2 4 1 lap dances
$5 base spirits
1/2 price entry
all until 10pm
Welcome to Babewatch!
Facebook competition Terms & Conditions:
All of the steps outlined in compeition post must be adhered to.
Lap dance prize is only redeemable between 9 - 10pm on Friday the 24th of November with the Showgirls of Babewatch.