Party: Lincoln Modern Music: On the Edge

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Lincoln Modern Music: On the Edge

Club: The Bourbon

Geht: 28
Datum: 17.06.2015 19:00
Adresse: 1415 O St, Lincoln, United States | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Lincoln Modern Music: On the Edge

w/ Justin Lepard, Dave Hall, Evan Bartels, Kurt Knecht, Myles Jasnowski, Masa Ishikawa, Clay, Ian McCollum, Masayoshi Ishikawa, Mark Germer, John Kosch, Sam Loeck, Whit Noble, Jared Hiskock, Helen Dowd, Lexi Raygor, Alexis Nachtigal.
Doors: 7 p.m. || Show: 8 p.m.
All Ages || $5: 21 and up || $7: Under 21

The Bourbon Theatre presents...

::: Lincoln Modern Music: On the Edge :::