Club: The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club


The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club

34 Wakefield Road, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Telefon: 01484 421532
Über den Club:
The Ashfield is also known as The Lepton Liberal working men's club.Also available, is the Ashfield... Mehr lesen
Events gesamt: 49
Alle Partygäste: 112
Alle männlichen Partygäste: 45 (40%)
Alle weiblichen Partygäste: 67 (60%)

Vorherige Clubgäste The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club

Sat.2nd Dec. Selah Sounds 9pm onwards

02.12.2017 The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club

Wed15th Nov 8pm Gareth Lewis Psychic medium Tickets £8.00

15.11.2017 The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club
Es hat sich noch niemand diesem Event angeschlossen

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The Ashfield Lepton Liberal Working Mens Club Galerie (1)

The old Ashfield