Party: New Argentine Tango Class for Beginners
Startseite > Tango : Abrazame y Baila > New Argentine Tango Class for Beginners
Geht: 14
Datum: 31.08.2015 21:00
Adresse: Zalka, Beirut, Lebanon | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
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For all Argentine Tango Lovers
Our Maestro Tofic Anton is back and he will start teaching a New Beginners Class.
We will have a free trial class on Wednesday August 26 and the official launching will be on Monday August 31.
Classes are on every Monday at 7:50pm and Wednesday at 9pm at LDA (Cosmopolitan Hotel, Sin el Fil)
For more info call: 03196193
Tofic Anton is famous for breathing techniques which he created and developed for Tango.
He has pioneered techniques which allow the coordination between breathing and the movement of the body’s articulations and muscles, for a relaxed and fluid movement on both the individual level and as a couple.
Tofic started to dance at a very young age, and was marked by the spirit of old tangueros like Jose Mendez, Pocho Pizzaro, Antonio Todaro. He studied with the Argentine tango maestro Pablo Tegli, a great source of inspiration with his playfulness and closeness to the ground, and with one of the greatest tangueros of all time, Pablo Veron, who marked him in a very visual and vivid way with his elegance and his fluid way of moving.
A PHD in mechanical engineering, he is a university teacher who studied the bio-mechanics of the human body and researched several ways to achieve the best performance in terms of quality of individual and couple movements. He now has PHD students working at his research.
After years of intensive work, Tofic has achieved a creative style with a strong attachment to the rules and sequences of traditional tango. Tofic’s techniques, while originally developed for social tango, are applicable not only to stage tango but also to other dance forms.
Tofic focuses on the quality of movement. He teaches how to direct movement from the abdominal core, which is the traditional Argentinian way of moving, in which the arms and chest are free of tension. This results in a very fluid and relaxed tango, in which possibilities can be created in a very elegant and controlled way.
In 2013 he moved to Lebanon from France where he created the ‘Tango Abrazame y Baila’ group. Tofic has taught and performed in several festivals, events and musicals in Europe and worldwide. The techniques he mastered about the relaxed aspect of movement are currently being expanded to India, Argentina and France.