Startseite > TAC Biliard > CUPA TAC SNOOKER
Va invitam la CUPA TAC SNOOKER "6 bile rosii"
Marti – 30 Septembrie - Ora 18:00.
Perioada de inscriere: 17:30 - 18:00. (daca intarziati va rugam sa confirmati participarea telefonic: Andrei Malcea - 0722.356.370, Manager Snooker ECHIPA DE JOC)
Antrenament gratuit: 17:30 - 18:00.
Taxa de participare - 40 lei.
Sistem de joc: Piramida dubla 32/64 si tablou principal / piramida simpla eliminatorie 16/32. Se va juca snooker "6 bile rosii" - 3/5 frame-uri.
S-a introdus sistemul de piramida dubla astfel incat toti participantii sa dispute minim 2 partide. In functie de numarul participantilor se va juca Marti, posibil si Miercuri partidele avansate /eliminatorii.
Tinuta recomandata pentru concurs este : pantalon lung si tricou polo.
Locul 1 - 1 bax de bere Heineken (24 sticle) + cupa + diploma
Locul 2 – 1 bax de bere Ciuc (24 sticle) + medalie + diploma
Locul 3 - Voucher 3 ore antrenament + medalie + diploma
Locul 4 - Voucher 3 ore antrenament + medalie + diploma
Locurile 5-8 - Diploma
PREMIU SPECIAL: Se va premia cel mai mare break de peste 35 puncte cu participarea gratuita la urmatoarea editie CUPA TAC SNOOKER.
Parcarea este gratuita (pe baza cardului de la receptia clubului)
Regulament oficial:
Regulament aditional “6 bile rosii” – de la World Snooker
All the usual Snooker rules apply with the following exceptions:
1. There will be no more than five consecutive FOUL AND A MISS calls at any one time.
2. After four consecutive FOUL AND A MISS calls, the referee will warn the offending player that should a FOUL AND A MISS be called again the following options are available to the non-striker:
(i) play himself from where the balls have come to rest;
(ii) ask his opponent to play from where the balls have to come to rest;
(iii) place the cue ball anywhere on the table, but this option cannot be taken if play has reached the “snookers required” stage.
3. A player cannot snooker behind a nominated colour at any time