Party: WAH GWAAN #10 - REGGAE & DANCEHALL - G-SPOT in the house

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WAH GWAAN #10 - REGGAE & DANCEHALL - G-SPOT in the house

Club: SUB

Geht: 96
Datum: 07.02.2015 23:00
Adresse: Singergasse 6-8, Wiener Neustadt, Austria | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: WAH GWAAN #10 - REGGAE & DANCEHALL - G-SPOT in the house

[supported by HUGS Wiener Neustadt -]

Endlich wieder in Wiener Neustadt -mighty G-SPOT SOUND in the HOUSE...also on Stage: a special Soundsystem Show by Barefoot Basement... for more info....



ø G Spot Sound (Eisenstadt/Wien)

ø Barefoot Basement (Wiener Neustadt/Wien)

ø Soundtank Crew (StruttinBeats Records/SUB, Austria)


••• HARD FACTS •••


ENTRY: FREE (!!!!!)

••• SPECIALS •••

ø Jamaican Juggling Style, from Reggae to Dancehall to HipHop and beyond
ø Original ice cold Red Stripe Red Stripe Jamaican Lager Beer - Germany
ø Dance Instructors from AUT4SKILLS showing you the newest jamaican dances - from the "6.30" to the "one drop" and beyond


ø new Lightshow
ø free WIFI for all SUB guests
ø Fingerfood and Snacks - served all night!




••• LOCATION •••

…known for the famous WALL OF BASS - 25KW rms/7hz flat

••• VENUE •••

Singergasse 6-8,
2700 Wiener Neustadt


| Parken |

Theatergarage: Parkhaus 200m entfernt vom SUB, ab 20.00 Uhr kostenlos

| Anreise PKW |

-von Wien kommend:

A2 Südautobahn bis Ausfahrt Wiener Neustadt West, Kreisverkehr zweite Ausfahrt auf B26, nach der zweiten Überführung links halten, direkt unter der Überführung nach rechts in den Ferdinand-Porsche-Ring und nach ca. 250m links in die Theatergarage einbiegen.

-von Graz kommend:

A2 Südautobahn bis zur Ausfahrt Wiener Neustadt -Zentrum, bei der zweiten Ampel nach links abbiegen und dann links halten. Direkt unter der Überführung nach rechts in den Ferdinand-Porsche-Ring und nach ca. 250m links in die Theatergarage einbiegen.

| Anreise BAHN |

Das SUB ist von Wien Meidling aus per Intercity in weniger als 30 Minuten Fahrzeit und 5 Minuten Gehzeit sehr gut zu erreichen. Beim Verlassen des Bahnhofsgebäudes geradeaus in die Bahngasse spazieren und nach 200m links in die Singergasse einbiegen.

Von Wien Meidling: 21:58 / 23:03



Nach 7 Jahren, mehreren Locationwechseln und einer steilen Lern- und Partykurve nach oben war es jetzt nach dem ersten richtigen Jamaika-Aufenthalt der Soundtank Crew Zeit für einen Neuanfang. Ein gut funktionierendes Veranstaltungskonzept über den Haufen schmeissen? Mit einem neuen Namen? Ins Ungewisse hinein? Is das gut und sinnvoll?
Die Antwort lautet: JA. Die vibrierende Kultur Jamaikas, die fetten Soundsysteme, die Präsentation der neuesten Riddims und Tänze - all das passt doch super verpackt in ein aktuelleres, neu aufgestelltes Konzept. Daher ist auch der neue Veranstaltungsname "WAH GWAAN" - auf gut deutsch "WAS GEHT AB" - leicht verständlich: WAH GWAAN soll der neue Reggae/Dancehall Hotspot werden. Wi show unu what a GWAAN!
Real jamaican links, the hottest dancemoves and juicy jamaican culture transforms the SUB in Wiener Neustadt every first saturday to lower austria's #1 dancehall spot! - WAH GWAAN SATURDAYS!



G-SPOT SOUND was founded in 2001 during a journey to Kingston/Jamaica by Phile and Oliver, both from the Lower Austria Province of Austria. Out of the passion for jamaican soundsystemculture they started to organize their own dances and to represent their sound all over the country. Due to regular trips to Jamaica - and contacts established in Kingston - G-SPOT became soon one of the leading sounds of Austria when it comes to dubplatevoicing.

Soon Selecta O.G. (also named Oliver) joined the Sound and added his unique mixing skills to G-SPOT's performances. Later Oliver decided to relocate totally to Jamaica and left the Sound, but still was supportive with his contacts in Kingston. In 2004 Koolbreak, heading all the way from Austria's far east, joined the crew. At least since then G-SPOT became known as the country's top party sound, especially popular for their fluent juggling. Since 2006 G-SPOT hosts (later joined as promoter by the OSF-Crew) their own regular in Vienna named DANCEHALL UNIVERSITY and introduced a new tune focused style to the viennese massive. Over the years international sounds like Supersonic (Ger), Captain C (Jap), Hurricane (Ger), Mango Tree (Ger), Northern Lights (Ita), I-Shence (Ita), as well as Austria's elite, mashed up the place at DANCEHALL UNIVERSITY.

After playing many dances in Austria, Germany and Poland the crew decided to enter the battlefield and in 2007 General Palma (Ita/Aut) was killed during three rounds straight in Austria's first dubplate-only clash. In 2012 the crew was invited to Superlock's Euro Cup Clash in Berlin and came out victorious in the "Knock Out the DJ Competition" in Vienna against 6 DJ-teams from different music-genres.

More recently in 2008-2010 Tobias and Rizzla, both active soundmen for years, reinforced the crew further. Beside playing the sound at dances and promoting own parties, the crew is also active in the production of mix-cd's and radio shows.



"Barefoot Basement, a 10-piece Instrumental-Band from Eastern Austria. Exploring the depths of Roots Reggae, Ska, Dub and all the other usual suspects like Circusswing, Balkanlatin and Wiener Walzer."


Andreas Füssl – Bass
Manuel Schönegger – Saxophon
Alexander Simon – Trompete
Florian Spies – Posaune, Melodika
Matthias Sramek – Gitarre
Georg Stögermayer -Gitarre
Ina Thomann – Akkordeon, Orgel
Ivo Thomann – Schlagzeug
Florian Widhalm – Geige, Sousaphon
Thomas Zettauer – Perkussion

BAREFOOT BASEMENT spielten bereits als Backing-Band von:
Derrick Morgan, Ganjaman, Goldi, Danny Ranks, Jahpremacy, El Guerrero und Margoloh
…und teilten sich die Bühne mit: Shaggy (Support der Österreich-Tour 2006), Sebastian Sturm, Martin Zobel & Soulrise, Michael Rose & The Dubline Band, Morgan Heritage, Sam Brisbe, Benji, B-Seiten Sound, Iriepathie, u.v.m.

Man nehme: Roots-Reggae, Ska, Dub und versetze diese mit Einflüssen aus allen Richtungen, die Spaß machen – Latino, Chanson und Zirkusmelodien etwa. Und ist nicht der Balkan auch gleich ums Eck gelegen? Wenn die Füße also gleich mal mit dem Wippen beginnen, braucht man sich darüber nicht zu wundern!



Soundtank Crew

Forward Ever, Backward Never – the original Badman Sound from Countryside”

The reggae soundsystem SOUNDTANK CREW was founded in late 2007 by STRUTTINBEATS-Founder MUVA and SAN CLEMENTE with the mission to bring nice vibes and caribbean flavor to the lower austrian massive. A monthly night in Wiener Neustadt’s biggest club was born – “WILD OUT” mashin up the place, quickly becoming the regular reggae club to attend. In 2008, third member CHIQUITAMAN was added to the crew and the first old school soundsystem was bought. As of 2012, the orginal SOUNDTANK continues as a two man show, consisting of MUVA and CHIQUITAMAN.

The two soundmen understand their business: from early roots and dub, to classic 80ties/90ties dancehall to the newest shots of the reggae industry – these guys have the tunes and understand how to rise the temperature throughout the night inna di dance. Love for the detail is also something the guest will always remember when attending a SOUNDTANK dance: the PA, the flyer-design, the decoration – handsorted and chosen wisely.

After several years of partying hard and nearly 40 gigs, 2013 brings new goals: WILD OUT gets a new home, in one of Austria’s newest and most modern club: the SUB.

The Crew can look back to Gigs with the likes of Turbulence, Gappy Ranks, Perfect Giddimani, Mikeylous, Baba Sound, Soulforce, Glockwork Posse and Sting Like A Bee, just to name a few. The guys went also into production: 2013 sees their first riddim release, a relick of the classic “Rockfort Rock”.

Their first trip to Jamaica for 4 weeks brought a lot of new links and impressions, which will be altered in many different ways in the future. “WILD OUT” transforms into a real jamaican party – named “WAH GWAAN” from now on, at the SUB Club Wiener Neustadt. The next riddims are also in the making – so watch fi dis!