Party: Social Butterfly is BACK!! \\ New Venue!! \\ Grey's Club \\ This Monday!!

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Social Butterfly is BACK!! \\ New Venue!! \\ Grey's Club \\ This Monday!!

Club: Social Butterfly Newcastle

Geht: 198
Datum: 26.01.2015 23:00
Adresse: Perdu - Collingwood Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Social Butterfly is BACK!! \\ New Venue!! \\ Grey's Club \\ This Monday!!

//Social Butterfly // Greys Club \\

The Butterfly is Back!!

Over the last few weeks we've been getting loads of messages about bringing back Social Butterfly!!

So this monday we relaunch the night that changed them all, the original sophisticated student session.

Social B, as it it became fondly known, was a night you would bump into everyone you knew, catch up on the weekend madness and give yourself the best start to the week.

The girls were always pretty, the music was awesome and everyone was just loving life...

So come down this monday and party with your friends at Greys!

// Music //

Main room:

Radio 1 Xtra DJ Doc Jnr!

Playing the finest RnB and HipHop

// Outdoor terrace //

Residents on rotation playing Deep House//Disco//

\\ Drinks Deals \\

£2.50 Doubles
£2 Bombs
£1.50 shots

\\ Guestlist \\

Guestlist by writing on the Social Butterfly wall. Alternately
text SB + your name + the number of guests to 07702558837

\\ Door Prices & Times \\

Social Butterfly 10:30pm - 3am (EVERY MONDAY)


Any Tables, Socials, Birthdays or any other queries text or ring Michael on 07590669502



Bijoux - SocialLite

Social Butterfly's official place to be before... 3 trebles for £5.50
Check out the bijoux page for more details

Eingeladen: Mike Spencer, Simon Nixon, Julie Sims, Michael Harrison, Michael Charlton, Stuart Ashley, Timothy Woods, Amy Beckett, Tom Higham, Jess Marshall, Lizzie Nash, Ian Price, David Walker, Steph Buzdygan, Sasha Nicole Baechanan, Rebecca McAloan, Corrie Morris, George Hughes, Abbi Taylor, Andi Prentice, Gemma Crawford mehr »