Party: SLVR + ALTITUDE + LEZURE | FRI JAN 16 | House & Techno Party

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Party: SLVR + ALTITUDE + LEZURE | FRI JAN 16 | House & Techno Party

S L V R x ALTITUDE x Lezure
HOUSE + TECHNO (FRI JAN 16 - Mash House)

£3 before 12/£5 after.


Line up:

Main room:
11 – 12 Cammy
12 – 1 Goose + Murphy
1 – 2 Max Meres and Alex Harris
2 – 3 Cuba + Elliot

11 – 12 Max Meres and Alex Harris
12 – 1:30 Ribz
1:30 – 3 Declan and Leon

Eingeladen: Paul de Saint-Rat, Chris Solinsky, Atif Ahmed, Muzzy Hamilton, Usher Juma Phiri, Tallulah McGhee, Jessica Thompson, Keith Dunlop, Greig John, Lizzy Garner-Foy, Ashley Forrest, Serena North, Lawrie Mccombie, Lesley Forsythiaqotv, Nina L Dowman, Sean Hood, Clare Lewis, Laura Mathieson, Jordan King, Jordan Differ, Darrell Wilson mehr »