Party: Friday 5th December Demi & Friends - Guest Set by Valentino

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Party: Friday 5th December Demi & Friends - Guest Set by Valentino

Demi Consta & Friends returns this Friday, 5th December with a guest dj set by Valentino.

The Room will be filled with house (deep/tech) vibes along with techno.

We're pretty excited for that, shouldn't we?

(We don't wanna be the kind of club that works reservations only -however, to ensure that you have the best service possible, call us on +35799895310)

Eingeladen: Andrew 'Khan' Ioannou, Christina Hadjichristofi, Elena Kontou, Mags Čeng, Agness Shialarou, Nicolas Koursaris, XElena Charalambous, Christiana Markatzi Anaxagorou, Mike Paschali, Antonis Tsiakkiros, Christina Anastasiou, Christina Achilleos, Michalis Rossides, Christiana Palmiris, George Karafillides, Christophoros Charalambous, Stefanos Prokopiou, Maria Panayiotou, Tom Tsiamis, Pantelis Droopy-Lobo Theocharides, Tatsun Nustat mehr »