Party: 2018 Come & Try / Practice Day

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Party: 2018 Come & Try / Practice Day

Dust off the leathers, shine up those bikes! Check in with your mates if they think they are the next Moto-GP Champion.

No race experience required - RRAT welcomes and encourages new Riders to the club.

Saturday 10th February – 9 am till 2 pm with BBQ following.

Gates will open at 8 am – love to see members there from 9 to assist and share your experiences – if you have gear/bikes for sale perfect opportunity to get them out and on show.

Dedicated hour for Come and Try participants only from 9 am till 10 am however then mixing it up with members to share techniques and skills.

Member Only Practice then from 3 pm till Dusk.

Please forward your completed nomination form to [email protected]
Nomination form for Come and Try

Nomination form for Practice