Party: Circle's Present Steve Mill (Mad House/Large) - Free Entry before Midnight (Click Facebook event)

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Party: Circle's Present Steve Mill (Mad House/Large) - Free Entry before Midnight (Click Facebook event)

Circle's Present January Sales Party with

X 2 Secret Guests (Suara)
Steve Mill (Mad House/Large)

Circles - Saturday 17th - January Sale - Part 6

Rhythm Factory go crazy this January with a whole load of January sale parties. Part Six starts with a new branded event with deep, tech vibes

FREE ENTRY before Midnight
(Click Facebook event to be added on list)


ID Required

Eingeladen: Benjamin Morande, Megan Joyner, Trods Hodgson, Thanos Repanas Markopoulos, Danica Ngo, LaLa Bug, Kelly Louise, Oda Kruse, Heidi Leid, Arabella Gordons, George Adi, John Katsibras, Andreas Athineos, Victoria McBluberry, Sokratis Spithas, Merce Bascuñan, John Highjacks Tzigkounakis, Shane Khuptong, Panos Polimatidis, Nick Pamlidis, Rogerio Peres mehr »