Party: Canus Jazz Band at Red Hot Swing

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Party: Canus Jazz Band at Red Hot Swing

To celebrate Red Hot Swing's 12th birthday, we're bringing in a different live band every Friday until the end of October!

Friday September 23rd we have the legendary Canus Jazz Band to really crank up the festivities. :)

If you've never danced before, we kick things off at 8:35pm with a drop-in beginner dance lesson. Neither partner nor experience is necessary! After we wrap up the lesson, we pass the entertainment torch to the musicians, who will play great dance music for us until 12:30am.

Where: 2750 Quadra Street (in Dance Victoria studios, just north of Hillside)
Time: Doors at 8:15pm, lesson at 8:35, band at 9:20pm
Price: $13 adult, $12 member, $10 student