Party: House Party | Battle of the Unis

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House Party | Battle of the Unis

Club: PRYZM Cardiff

Geht: 13
Datum: 14.11.2016 22:00
Adresse: Greyfriars Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: House Party | Battle of the Unis

• H O U S E P A R T Y •

Everyone loves a house party... But no one throws one on the scale of PRYZM!

Imagine the greatest ever house party, with 2000 mates, the best drink deals, the freshest tunes and craziest entertainment you could ever imagine! Our House Party will be simply unmissable - no replays! Oh and one more thing... Every week our House Party will be hosted by some of our very special friends from around the world. It’s an eye-watering line-up. Trust us, we will not disappoint!

#housemates #housemusic #houseparty

• R O O M 1 • P R Y Z M •

The main arena and heart of the capital - with a real Vegas state of the art feel, pumping out electro, house and dance anthems.

• R O O M 2 • D I S C O •

The ultimate fun party experience with pop, party and chart hits from the 80s, 90s and 00s.

• R O O M 3 • C U R V E •

Sheer luxury epitomizes our signature room featuring music with an alternative twist to all things smooth and sexy with R'n'B classics and underground exclusives.

• W H A T - Y O U - N E E D - T O - K N O W •

LAST ENTRY.....................1.30AM.
DRESS CODE...................Fancy Dress

• T I C K E T S •