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Club: Pantheon Club Glasgow

Geht: 1143
Datum: 27.10.2015 19:30
Adresse: 2/1, 268 Bath Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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"OMIgod, you guys"...


The Kings Theatre Glasgow

Tuesday 27 October - 7.30pm
Wednesday 28 October - 2.30pm (Matinee)
Wednesday 28 October - 7.30pm
Thursday 29 October - 7.30pm
Friday 30 October - 5.30pm (Early Evening)
Friday 30 October - 8.30pm
Saturday 31 October - 2.30pm (Matinee)
Saturday 31 October - 7.30pm

Book by Heather Hach
Music and Lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin
Based on the movie "Legally Blonde"

Production Team:
Artistic Director - Clare Prenton
Choreographer - Chris JS Wilson
Musical Director - Chris Pugh
Producer - David Robertson

Sorority star Elle Woods doesn’t take “no” for an answer. So when her boyfriend dumps her for someone “serious,” Elle puts down the credit card, hits the books, and sets out to go where no Delta Nu has gone before: Harvard Law. Along the way, Elle proves that being true to yourself never goes out of style.

Elle Woods Jeni Mills
Emmet Johnny Collins
Warner Antony Irwin
Paulette Mel Taylor
Brooke Vicki Robertson
Margot Megan Donnachie
Serena Marina Kelman
Pilar Eve Thomson
Callahan Gary Murdoch
Vivienne Sheona Proven
Enid Laura Tough
Whitney Katie Schoenberg
Kyle Mark Long
Elle's Father George Marcinkiewicz
Elle's Mother Sharon Taylor
Kate Lesley Cotton
Grandmaster Chad Kris Morrison
Dewey David Cooke
Chutney Clare Ryan
Boutique Owner Fiona Brough
Boutique Worker Elaine Campbell
Judge Suzzane Gilliland
Aaron Craig Higgins

Frat Boys:
Colin Fyfe
Angus Townsley
Michael McClorey
David Watt
Robbie Oman
Liam Forrester

Company Boys:
David Cain
Fraser Scott
Peter Skinner
Shawn Boyle
James Dawoud
Drew McCusker

Delta Nu girls are,
Jane Hamilton
Heather Quinn
Katy Thomson
Natalie Gray
Nicki Gibbs
Fiona MacCallum
Victoria Murray
Lesley Cotton

Company Girls:
Giulia Caira
Hazel Mears
Amy Quinn
Sheila Rae
Brooklyn Simpson
Lisa Hilton
Carly Jane McGrath
Jodie McKenna
Laura Murray-Darroch
Linsey Rae
Morna Weir

Show Synopsis
Act I

The musical opens at the Delta Nu sorority house in UCLA where Margot, Serena and Pilar are celebrating the news that campus dreamboat Warner Huntington III is set to propose to their blonde president, Elle Woods. As the speculate on the details of the engagement, Elle is at the mall, shopping for the perfect outfit (“Omigod You Guys”). After she is quick to check a snooty sales girl, Elle is prepared for her romantic dinner with Warner, who she thinks is about to ‘pop’ the question. Instead of declaring his love, he tells her that he is looking for a more “Serious” girlfriend that will help him succeed as he moves to Harvard Law School. Elle is heartbroken and comes up with a plan to follow him to Harvard in order to prove him wrong. The girls point out that getting into Harvard Law School is no easy task, and they help her study for her LSATs to boost her application. After her parents agree to fund her studying, Elle prepares a unique personal essay and surprises the admissions team by telling them that it is love that has motivated her career change, (“What You Want”).

After being accepted onto the prestigious course, Elle is alarmed at her snobby classmates who disapprove of her pink attire, perky attitude and adorable dog Bruiser, (“The Harvard Variations”). Her teaching assistant Emmett Forrest is the only person who is kind to her, but he cannot save her from Professor Callahan who teaches the class the only way to succeed in law is to be a shark, (“Blood in the Water”). Elle is dismissed from his class just as she meets Warner’s new love interest Vivienne Kensington. Elle is distraught to find out that he has a new girlfriend, especially someone with flat hair and chest. At a moment of relative tragedy, her sorority girls arrive as a ‘greek chorus’ to convince her that everything will be fine, if only she stays “Positive”. Elle decides that her blonde hair is holding her back, and heads to the Hair Affair salon to make a drastic change. Head beautician Paulette warns her against such a drastic choice, instead offering her own words of wisdom about what to do when life gets you down, (“Ireland”). Vivienne invites Elle to a costume party, and Elle decides to stay blonde thinking she has finally made a friend.

Elle arrives at the party dressed as a Playboy Bunny and realises she was tricked by Vivienne. She embraces her bold decision and tries to win over Warner despite her attire. As she leaves in a rage, she runs into Emmett who tries to console her but teaches her that she needs to win Warner’s respect by not trying too hard, (“Chip on My Shoulder”). With this new attitude, she manages to defeat him during a classroom debate and she goes on to help Paulette with a legal problem that builds her confidence. As the class scramble to receive one of Callahan’s coveted internship positions, Warner proposes to Vivienne in front of Elle. Whilst she begins to think that everything has been a waste of time, Emmett points out that she too has earned one of the positions and she decides that everything is “So Much Better” than before.

Act II

The act opens with fitness guru Brooke Wyndham showing off her latest workout video which is being watched by Callahan, Elle and their legal team, (“Whipped Into Shape”). Brooke is being accused of murdering her husband, and the legal team, which includes Warner and Vivienne, go to the prison to investigate. Brooke makes a connection with Elle, as they were both Dela Nu’s, and she tells her that she is being framed, because at the time of the incident she was getting liposuction. Elle promises to keep her secret, even though it could save her from jail. She promises to think of another way to get her out. Elle’s loyalty annoys the rest of the team and they shun Elle and Emmett. Elle takes him to a department store and gives him a makeover, telling him to “Take it Like a Man”.

At Paulette’s salon, the hunky UPS delivery guy arrives with a package for Paulette. The sorority girls arrive to teach Paulette how to “Bend and Snap” to win her man, and as she tries she ends up knocking him out.

Brooke’s trial gets underway and we see Brooke’s pool boy giving evidence about his love affair with Brooke. She denies the claim, and after Elle performs the bend and snap in front of him she realises he must be gay. Elle rushes to tell Callahan but no one believes her and they debate whether he is “Gay or European?” Emmett takes to the floor and questions him, getting him to admit that he is actually gay AND European.

As the legal team celebrate Warner is dismissive of Elle’s success, and Callahan reprimands him, sending him out to buy coffee. As the others leave he comes onto Elle and forcibly kisses her, but Warner and Vivienne both see through the door, misreading the situation thinking that Elle has led him on. Whilst Vivienne sees Elle slap Callahan, she doesn’t say anything to Warner. Elle is left dejected once again and as she plans to go home, realises she is in love with Emmett, “Legally Blonde”.

Elle goes to say farewell to Paulette but the girls convince her to go back to her pink dress and parade back to the courtroom after she helps Paulette perfect the bend and snap to win the heart of Kyle. Brooke fires Callahan and take on Elle as her attorney, alongside Emmett. Brooke’s stepdaughter Chutney takes the stand and tells the judge how she stepped out of the shower to see Brooke standing over the body of her father. Elle spots an error in the story and the scene shifts to the bathroom where the crime allegedly took place. Elle tells the court that Chutney couldn’t have been in the shower as her perm, that she had just had done that day, remained still in tact. Under the questioning she confesses that she killer her father mistaking him for Brooke.

As they all celebrate Elle’s success, Warner proposes to her. Although it is what she came to Harvard for, Elle realises she has changed and says that she will “Find Her Way”. The action moves to three years later as Elle graduates as valedictorian. She proposes to Emmett who accepts, and we see that everyone has had a happy ending, aside from Warner, (“Finale”).

Song List
Act I
• Omigod You Guys – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar and Company
• Serious – Elle and Warner
• What You Want – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar, Kate, Elle’s Parents and Company
• The Harvard Variations – Emmett, Aaron, Enid, Padamadan and Harvard Students
• Blood in the Water – Callahan and Company
• Positive – Elle, Serena, Margot, Pilar and chorus
• Ireland – Paulette
• Ireland (Reprise) – Paulette
• Serious (Reprise) – Elle and Warner
• Chip on My Shoulder – Elle, Emmett, Greek Chorus and Company
• So Much Better – Elle, Greek Chorus and Company

Act II
• Whipped into Shape – Brooke, Callahan and Company
• Take It Like a Man – Elle, Emmett and Salespeople
• Bend and Snap – Elle, Paulette, Serena, Margot, Pilar, Bend and Snap Guys and Salonfolk
• Gay or European – Elle, Callahan, Emmett, Brooke, Vivienne, Warner, Enid, Judge, Nikos, Carlos and Company
• Legally Blonde – Elle and Emmett
• Legally Blonde Remix – Vivienne, Elle, Enid, Brooke, Elle’s Parents and Company
• Find My Way/ Finale – Elle, Paulette, Emmett and Company

Eingeladen: Graeme Wallace, Mhairi Caulfield, Claire McConnochie, Kirsten Anne McLean, Niall Murray, Fiona Scott, Roslyn Hogg, Kevin Scullion, Sarah Robertson, Antony Irwin, Donna Walton, Rebecca Trayner, Ciadhra McGuire, Naomi Priest, Jolly Roger, Lisa McLaren, Hazel Mears, Ann O'Neill, Fiona Dick, Rob Gallagher-Reilly, Antoni Burns mehr »