Party: THE CAT'S MEOW feat. The Phantom Cowboys!
Startseite > Norwich Swing Cats > THE CAT'S MEOW feat. The Phantom Cowboys!
Geht: 33
Datum: 29.04.2016 20:00
Adresse: , Norwich, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
Wir melden uns, sobald die Partybilder hinzugefügt wurden
Another night with a fabulous band! Local to Norwich, and referenced by many bands the world over, The Phantom Cowboys are back to blow your socks off.
Expect a hot and steamy night of....well, it just wouldn't be correct to slot these guys into a category, so come along and find out for yourselves. You WILL NOT be disappointed! With their new EP due for release in September '16, don't miss out on this gig.
We kick off with the usual introductory class at 8PM and then the evening opens up for your full-on dancing pleasure, courtesy of the band and our great DJs, until 1AM.
Entry £7 in advance or £9 on the door
For advance tickets, please reserve by midnight on
Thurs. 28th April, via Norwich Swing Cats classes (Thurs @ Canary Social Club) or by emailing [email protected]
Here's a little taster to tickle your fancy ;-)