Party: Na Piarsaigh GAA club 50K cycle, 10K Run, 5K walk

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Party: Na Piarsaigh GAA club 50K cycle, 10K Run, 5K walk

In association with Blood Bike Mid West ( Blood Bike Mid West Ireland is a charitable organisation that provides Free transport to the HSE, private hospitals, clinics and hospices.
They operate an out of hours service using volunteer riders to save money. This can then be put back into primary care.
Their services will be offered to any HSE or Private Hospital/Clinic in the Mid West Region, on an out of hours basis from 7pm to 7am Monday to Thursday and from 7pm on Fridays to 7am Mondays, with a complete 24 hour service over the weekend and on Bank Holidays) .the club are holding a 50K cycle which travels to Newmarket on Fergus and back along with a 10K \run which is AAI afiliated and a family friendly 5K walk.
Registration can be done online at or on our website at and follow the link.

Check out the routes

50K Cycle

10K Run

5K Walk