Party: MUNSTER SOUL in the Retro Room

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Party: MUNSTER SOUL in the Retro Room

This month Munster Soul will be holding a special Soul Night in The Retro Room at the Porterhouse Cork on Saturday 28th March from 9.30pm - 12.30am.
DJs Aidan Q and Ian Fiasco will be spinning killer 60s and 70s Soul on vinyl only.
Entry is free - no cover charge on the door!

Eingeladen: Stevie Grainger, Camilla Monroe, Mags McCarthy, Veronica Ni C, Jenny Regan, Fionnán Ó Haraharagáin, Breda Healy, Su Su, Sarah O'Neill, Ronan Leonard, Declan Kearney, Ian Fiasco, Nora Noo, Jean Prendergast, Cora Murphy, Geraldine Fahey, Ellie O'Byrne, Aidan Quigley, Lucille Bonne, Ailish Fitzgerald, John Justice mehr »