Party: STONER ROCK BATTLE mit Blackballed feat. Marshall Gill of NEW MODEL ARMY) . Bomb Whateva ¿ . Bottermelk Fresh . Cunning Mantrap

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Party: STONER ROCK BATTLE mit Blackballed feat. Marshall Gill of NEW MODEL ARMY) . Bomb Whateva ¿ . Bottermelk Fresh . Cunning Mantrap


* Blackballed (UK-Manchester)
* Bomb Whateva ¿ (UK-London/ GER-Stuttgart)

with special guests:
* Bottermelk Fresh
* Cunning Mantrap

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TOUR 2014





(UK / Manchester)
feat. Marshall Gill, guitar of NEW MODEL ARMY
[ full tilt oiled engine with a ton of groove rock power ]

BLACKBALLED was formed in the summer of 2012 by brothers marshall and leon gill. after working together on songs and ideas they were soon joined by tom wibberley on bass to complete the line up.

the following months saw the band writing at every rehearsal. each song was barely finished before the next new track was on its way. so it was decided they should start taking steps to make BLACKBALLED a serious venture.

the guys started by asking friend and photographer kenny brown to take some shots. a location and image for the shoot was decided and the results were fantastic but they still had no music recorded so the next step was the studio. another friend martin schofield who owns wall of sound studio’s in oldham, manchester offered the guys some recording time.

with the band taking on all the recording duties themselves it took a fair bit of time juggling recording sessions to get things finished. and with the help of tim and nick at MODO the band have their first self titled e.p. ready for your ears.

BLACKBALLED are building up a strong loyal following with some great gigs under their belt along with some fantastic support shows with the likes of TRIGGERFINGER, STAR AND DAGGER, PHIL X and many others…

the plan for BLACKBALLED in the future is more gigs, more miles on the road, more recording more beers and more friends along the way…

(UK-London / GER-Stuttgart)
2013 UK + GERMAN Toursupport of NEW MODEL ARMY
[ rock . stoner . heavy . devastating ]

Hard times call for drastic measures. Like blowing everything into oblivion. That’sprecisely where Bomb Whateva ¿ from Stuttgart comes in. Don’t take it personal.
Karl Francis (guitar), a British gentleman and former member of the English Punkband Bomb Disneyland, and Cody Barcelona (vocals), the used-to-be sleaze rockingfrontman of Skulls & Bones, tweak the torque respectively. And together with Chris (guitar) and Amin (drums) they are Bomb Whateva ¿– the hottest shit since…foreva.
The quartet from Stuttgart, Germany was suckled at the breast of punk history but they are wise enough to realize that knowing your shit does not mean your’reheaded in that same direction. Almost inadvertently, Bomb Whateva ¿ are maneuvering themselves into their very own realm: Pumping bass meets the sound of raw guitars and catchy hooks paired with the certainty that flipping the birdalone will just not suffice. They know, if you’re gonna lay down the law, you betterhave something to say.
Fucking everything off is just not enough nowadays. BombWhateva¿ rise to the occasion with the required rationale: Take 'Come closer' forinstance. A big chunk of heart and fury – richly laced with melodies that remainlong after others have gone. And the groove they have is no mere coincidenceeither. Karl Francis and Cody Barcelona have spent their nights DJing for manyyears. These people know what’s up. As the opening act for icons no less thanMarky Ramone, The Accüsed and Guitar Wolf, Bomb Whateva ¿ past the test blindfolded
and hands down. Their very own bastard mix of Punk and Rock’n'Roll reeks of sweat, leather jackets and the bruises of a Friday night out. And everybodyknows that they’ re always harder than Saturdays. So fuck the deo. Bomb Whateva ¿.


Karten bei

Eingeladen: Jan K Aus H, Ste Bar, Maggi Dave, Sascha Wolff, Marshall Gill, Jason Aughton, Tania Twi, Julie Farrell, Steve Red Clarke, Kuehn Torsten, Rosa-Belle Gerst, Eva Rettich, Wolfgang Härtel, Markus Fichli, Lukas Meinzer, Sand Sac, Nina Pfirsich, Doc Bacchus Weini, Franz Hart, Anita St, Martina Fallmann mehr »