Party: ♚ Only No. 1s - Mint Fridays at CLUB TEEZ ♚

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Party: ♚ Only No. 1s - Mint Fridays at CLUB TEEZ ♚

♚ Only No. 1s - Mint Fridays at CLUB TEEZ ♚

This friday we're mixing it up a little by playing all the Number 1 chart bangers while keeping in line with our music policy. Dj Ruda will be coming down to grace the TEEZ decks, playing prohibited RnB and distilled mainstream.

A night dedicated to all the greatest hits.

♚Reservations Hotline : 99 85 33 33

♚Dress Code : Keep it Classy

☛ Gentlemen: Think bow ties, think suspenders, think top hats.

☛ Ladies: Think feathered boas, think pearls, think Cigarette holders.


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Reservations Hotline : 99 85 33 33

Be on the look out for our signature speak easy drinks

Eingeladen: Christina Hajisoteriou, Stelios Koukos, Marina Erg, Niki Lapithi, Daisy Irene, Annamaria Vassiliades, Antonis Antoniou, Samantha Rae Sookie Kemter, Natasha Andreou, Haro Yenovkian, Panayiotis Papastavrou, Kieran DjStreet Mclean, Sami Meibar, Salpy Devledian, Naira Sarkisian, Bedo M, Sana Nicholson, Miltos Miltiadou, Nearchos P. Petrides, Yiannis C. Stylianou, Luzdary Hammad mehr »