Party: The Night of Heavy Metal
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Geht: 32
Datum: 23.01.2015 20:00
Adresse: Pamėnkalnio g. 13, Vilnius, Lithuania | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
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SteelFire is a hard'n'heavy band from Poland whose music is inspired by the sound of hard rock and classic heavy metal from the 1980s. They have played a few dozen concerts all around Poland, including supporting Iron Maiden's first vocalist - Paul Di'Anno, as well as Polish rock and metal legends Oddzial Zamkniety and Turbo.
A was band created in Minsk Mazowiecki by guitar-playing brothers Maciej and Jakub Bartnicki. Their duet became a trio when they acquired a young drummer Przemyslaw Nalazek. After months of turmoil and personnel changes the line-up was eventually complete: at the end of 2010 Mariusz Jaguscik (bass) and Pawel Markowski (vocals) joined the band. And it marked the beginning of a rock'n'roll madness. The band started touring intensively and working on their own material to release an EP in Spring 2013. The release contained 6 songs as was titled "Rock'n' roll na wieki wieków" (transl. Rock and roll for ever and ever). Since 2013 Mariusz was replaced by Ireneusz Murasicki, and Jakub by Patryk Makac. Another change took place in 2014 when Pawel left the band. After a few months of searching Mateusz Grzmiel became the new singer.
Wicked Side, a heavy metal band hailing from Bialystok, Poland, was formed in May 2009 by four friends with the sole intention to play the music that was close to their
hearts. The band’s style has its roots in NWOBHM but also encompasses elements of hard rock and thrash metal, and presents a classic old-school vibe merged with a modern sound.
Due to constant line-up changes the band managed to release a demo in 2010 and a five-track EP in 2011, only to begin recording the first full-length album in Autumn 2013, despite having had the material already written for some time. The recording process took over a year and finally on December 12, 2014 the CD entitled simply "Wicked Side" was released.
In the meantime, personnel instability notwithstanding, the band played a number of shows both in their homeland as well as abroad, playing alongside Turbo, CETI, Blaze Bayley, Night Mistress or Sergey Mavrin, and taking part in a few festivals, e.g. Crazy Friends Fest in Vilnius, Sinta Fest in Sintautai or Brutal East Festival in their hometown, gathering a small but steady fanbase as a result.
Data: 2015-01-23
Kaina: 3eur
Laikas: 20:00
Eingeladen: Justinas Balčiūnas, Rock Hugis, Mykolas Alekna, Martynas Sirusas, Marija Cruentus, Gražvydas Jegelevičius, Artūras Lastovskis, Deimante Pa, Dainius Žiūkas, Romas Kas, Gintaras Dalgirdas, Algirdas Šapoka, Witalis Masėnas, Simona Rakitaitė, Mantas Peciukevičius, Džonis FX, Dova Awjete, Algirdas Barniskis, Augustė Čiapaitė, Aivaras Zemaitis, Eve Burn, El Myra, Irma Utopia, Marta Mar, Emilija Butkutė, Džei Dy, Kestutis Balciunas, Gintaras Žemaitis, Marija Markauskaitė, Audrius - Audronius Tamulis, Dalia Vienozinskyte, Kęstutis Kriščiūnas, Augustinas Miliunas, Jonas Chockevičius, Rasa Žalaitė, Mindaugas Daukšys, Danytė Rūta, Valda Arb, Rasa Peleckyte, Ernesta Vaivadaitė, Kristina Lukošiūtė, Gintarė Paulauskaitė, Optura Mimosa, Robertas Kilpo, Ignas Juknevičius, Darotas Beržinis, Rūta Gladutytė, Deividas Davidas Niekšas, Tekle Ula Puzauskaite, Domantas Tracevicius, Justina Skdyt, Eglė Stukaitė, Elze Lauzikaite, Arūnas Mažeika, Julius Gucevicius, Menuo Juodaragis, Przemek Nalazek, Wička Valkata, Paulius Simanavičius, Goda Jefimova, Karolis Trölis, Ziurke Lariska, Urtė Račytė, Džesika Stankevič, Victoria Jan, Paulius Rupšas, Giedrius Stasiulis, Asta Augustinaitė, Brigitte Stef, Donatas Griškėnas, Justina Skauminaitė, Karolina Verb, Sergijus Aloyzas Chiminas, Ovidija Serksnyte, Monika Ivaškaitė, Eimantas Keleris, Ernest Tylingo, Augustinas Bėkšta, Audra Klimantavičiūtė, Tomas Astrauskas, DeiMantė Vaidilutė, Tomas Dausa, Karolis Šliužas, Agnė Česnulevičiūtė, Povilas, Kristina Šarkaitė, Dėdė Bosistas, Giedrė Tiškevičiūtė, Domas Vilčinskas, Mantas Čyžius, Augustas Gaučas, Aurelija Miliūtė, Gintarė Liūtaširdė, Almantas Petras Dirižablis, Greta Kaganovaitė, Kristina Jurkonytė, Paulius Milkevicius, Austėja Strončikaitė, Monika Žulytė, Ignas Vinkevičius mehr »