Party: Shō Garden

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Party: Shō Garden

"Let's stay in the cave for a while. Let's look at the sky while we lick the salt from our hands. Now we are not humans. Now we are all happy."
Loops, sound layers and soft voice games, that's how Shō Garden gets her dark, minimalistic and intimate post-rock songs based on repetition and disturbing apparently-non-sense lyrics, that intend to invite the audience to find their own meaning of them.

Eingeladen: Vanessa Brazeau, Pere Ferrera Bertran, Chang Hwan Park, Morten Haugen, Neil Numb, Jelena Faßbender, Elza Ochir, Oksana Shestaka, MyLoan Dinh, Jacopo Bortolato, Ana Régisseur, Lee Leevike, Hazlan Kin, Gerald Ortiz, Äiv Sil, Timm R Süssbrich, Alex Kozmidi, Emmanuelle Esther, Jhon Fredy Pérez Torres, Talissa Mehringer, Edouard Steinhauer mehr »