Party: Persefone

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Club: Markthalle-Hamburg

Geht: 5
Datum: 06.04.2018 20:00
Adresse: Klosterwall 11, Hamburg, Germany | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Persefone

„We want to give them more“ was the phrase, used most by the bandmembers after each of the shows on the 2017 Aathma tour in Europe, where Persefone did their first headliner tour on the continent…
…and with this in mind, it’s a pleasure to present to you, the optimized Aathma show. Bigger, stronger and with focus on delivering a show of extreme energy and passion, which will be hard to top for any other band out there today.

The Andorran prog-death masters in Persefone will tour Europe with the „Aathma tour Part 2 – The Cosmic Walkers„, taking the band to larger venues in familiar cities, like Copenhagen, Milano, Paris and London but also striving to reach new territories/cities, such as Rome, Bratislava, Ljubljana, a.o.