Party: 36th Annual Mugė Lithuanian Fair

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Party: 36th Annual Mugė Lithuanian Fair

Hungry for the world’s best potato pancakes? Yearning to meet the Lithuanian-American community? In the market for amber jewelry? Craving the taste of old world rye bread, kugelis, and kielbasa? Curious about Lithuanian music and dance? Thirsty for Svyturys or Kalnapilis? Then join us in Philadelphia at the Lithuanian Music Hall as we celebrate Lithuanian arts and culture at our 36th Annual Mugė Lithuanian Fair on Saturday, November 2nd!

Both days will be packed with fun for the entire family. From live music and folk dance performances to artisan jewelry and crafts to face painting and authentic Lithuanian comfort food, this festival is a popular crowd pleaser year after year.

Join us November 2nd from noon to 6 P.M. at the Lithuanian Music Hall: 2715 East Allegheny Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.

Proceeds benefit the Lithuanian Music Hall Association (, which was established in 1907 to promote and support Lithuanian culture, education, arts, and sports in the community.

• Adult, non-members: $5
• Members and Seniors: $3
• Children 12 and under: free
• Teens: $3
