Party: Final of Into the LIMELITE DJ Competition 2015

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Party: Final of Into the LIMELITE DJ Competition 2015

Which one of these talented novice DJs have what it takes and shine in the #Limelite?

Heat 1: Nu Groove, Harley Cue & Benjamin Gurk
Heat 2: Contrasting Rhythm, Styles Brothers, Ryan G
and the Wildcards are Dusk till Dawn & JMxHC
Heat 3: Chaos X, Forzland & Graeme K. Wildcards for the Heat were Cagey, Valour & Thomaus

Who will break through the pack and play at #Stereosonic, Australia's largest touring festival ?

See for your self on Friday November 27th, 2015.

The Winner takes home these great prizes.
- #AudioflyHeadphones.
- Take the stage at stereosonic November 29th.
- #EMC 2015 Delegates pass for Electronic Music Conference
- All travel to Sydney and accommodation expenses .