Party: Bombs Away at Discovery Darwin for Limelite December 12th.

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Party: Bombs Away at Discovery Darwin for Limelite December 12th.

Bombs Away storm into Discovery Darwin for Limelite Darwin Friday December 12th, 2014.

Multi-Platinum Artists, Partyboys and all-round Bad-Role-Models, Party Bass aficionados BOMBS AWAY, are one of the few acts to hold down five concurrent Top 10 tracks on iTunes & Beatport, along with Drunk Arcade, Party Bass, Supersoaker, Big Booty Bitches, Swagger & Get Stoopid, rocking high-rotation airplay around the world certifying Bombs Away as one of Australia’s leading dance brands. See them "Put Their Middle Finger Up" at Discovery Friday December 12.

Doors open at 10pm. Get on a discount list or its more on the door.


Twitter: @bombsawaymusic

Eingeladen: Leonie Yeh, Cat Strawa, Sky Horne, Alexandra Haslett, Katie Ryan, Charly Fishwick, Henry Armour, Dean Jonathon Taodang, Kayla Marie Sorrell, Brittany Law, Irene Glynatsis, John Shinobi Nguyen, Tori Crisp, Jamie Carter, Suzi Van Engelenhoven, Sammi Hunter, Nuff Ja Budju-One, Megan Hoppo, Kirah Lynn Sunny Gustafson, Amy May, Harrison Roberts mehr »