Party: The beautiful people, down in it. Marilyn Manson/Nine Inch Nails Tribute Night
Startseite > Leland City Club (Official) > The beautiful people, down in it. Marilyn Manson/Nine Inch Nails Tribute Night
Geht: 41
Datum: 19.12.2015 22:00
Adresse: 400 Bagley St, Detroit, United States | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
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Come on out to Leland City Club 12/19/15 for our Marilyn Manson vs. Nine Inch Nails Tribute Night " The Beautiful People, Down In It." DJ Zachariah Messiah and DJ @Chris Moondancer behind the decks playing what you wanna dance to. 10:00 p.m. till 4:00 a.m. 18 and over welcome...