Party: Pon Di Riddim - Dancehall Party

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Pon Di Riddim - Dancehall Party

Club: Kulturhaus Bukarest

Geht: 1
Datum: 22.03.2017 22:00
Adresse: Strada Sfânta Vineri, Nr. 4, Bucharest, Romania | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Pon Di Riddim - Dancehall Party

PON DI RIDDIM - DANCEHALL PARTY revine cu a doua editie!
Miercuri, 22 Martie, la Kulturaus Bukarest.
Atmosfera va fi intretinuta de DJ OLDSKULL & DJ PHENOM!
Petrecerea incepe la ora 22:00 si INTRAREA este LIBERA.

PON DI RIDDIM - DANCEHALL PARTY is back with the 2nd edition!
Wednesday, 22nd of March, at Kulturhaus Bukarest.
The night will be hosted by DJ OLDSKULL & DJ PHENOM.
The party starts at 22:00 and the ENTRANCE is FREE.