Party: ARTHAUS: Semi Finals Round 4 - RIVERSIDE VS MAJESTY

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Party: ARTHAUS: Semi Finals Round 4 - RIVERSIDE VS MAJESTY

Ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon... Seattle's Only Drag Haus Competition is back with the Fourth Round of Semi-Finals!

Arthaus: Drag Haus Battle Royale brings you the Thunderdome of Drag Battles where two Hauses enter and one Haus leaves with bragging rights and $100 in cash and prizes! The winning Haus also moves on to the Finale Round 1 on May 6th. The winner of the Championship Round on June 3rd wins the opportunity to perform at the Qulture Qreative stage at the Seattle Pride 2015 Seattle PrideFest!!


Featuring performance by your hostess Cherry Sur Bete!

DJ Ozma Otacava keeps the asses shakin' all night!

Each Battle Royale features 3 stages including a Walk-Off with Theme Challenge, an Interview Round and Final Performances! YOUR VOTE decides the winner!!

$5 COVER after 9P - with Queer Cinema Happy Hour and $4 drink specials from 8P-10P!!

Brought to you by Maison de la Bete and Kremwerk

Eingeladen: Michael Horwitz, Kyle Kostrzewa, Joseph Tee, Brendan Mack, Nate Gowdy, Krystal Faye, Leif Gregerson II, Michelle Montiel Chang, Michael Cepress, Steven Didis, Luke Gutzwiller, Christopher Graham Moore, Danielle Williams, Scott Tiahrt Conrad, Brooks Nathaniel Corbeaux, Larry Landsburg, Elyza Of The Mountain, Carlee McManus, Julian Huntley Hagood, Stetson Wilson, Eric Reid Neely mehr »