Party: BACK 2 THE OLD SKOOL >>>>> FREE PARTY<<<<<<

> >

Club: Indigo

Geht: 8
Datum: 09.08.2014 17:00
Adresse: 16 Victoria Road, Chelmsford, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: BACK 2 THE OLD SKOOL >>>>> FREE PARTY<<<<<<

Here we go again!! and this time we bring you a true legend thrown in.
One part of 'Gat Decor-Passion' one of the most truly influential house music tracks of all time, Simon Hanson will be bringing his old skool set along.
Indigo in Association with Kosha Promotions brings you another night of no holds barred Old Skool action.
This time its gonna be bigger and better than before.
For this very special event to help raise money for an amazing cause we will be opening our doors at 5pm with a terrace BBQ and party and all for for a donation entry.
We would love as many people to join us as possible for this event as it is to try and help raise some money so a very ill friend can have a much needed stem cell replacement operation.
We know how to party!! You know how to party!! So lets party!!!!!!!!!!!!