Party: Beginners Kettlebell Sport Workshop
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In March '16 we're hoping to take a big team to the OKSE English Cup. The biggest Kettlebell Sport competition in the country. Which will be in Harrogate this year.
We'd like to take you there with us.
The first step is our short introductory workshop where we will teach you the basics. This is the perfect time to try something new with over commiting yourself.
Kettlebell Sport is one of the most inclusive sports you can get and very welcoming to new comers. With about 50% of the English squad is made up of the over 40's and 50's you will be made to feel welcome.
This workshop is only £20 but if you commit and sign up now before the 1st December we will reduce that to £10.
All proceeds go towards developing Hull Kettlebell Club and the coaches work on a voluntary basis.
Plus there are only 6 places available.