Party: Hot Damn! Road Trip: SLEEPOVER PARTY + Hand Of Mercy live !

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Hot Damn! Road Trip: SLEEPOVER PARTY + Hand Of Mercy live !

Club: Hot Damn! Road Trip

Geht: 46
Datum: 20.09.2013 20:00
Adresse: 270 Crown St, Wollongong, Australia | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: Hot Damn! Road Trip: SLEEPOVER PARTY + Hand Of Mercy live !

Sick of getting kicked out of clubs for wanting to take a nap? We feel you, man. Enter the Road Trip Sleep-Over party. 3 years ago we started this as a bit of a piss-take in Sydney and well, it still is, but trust us, you don't want to miss this.

This will be the first time we bring this notorious event down to the Gong. It’s going to be some next level party shit.

If you haven’t heard of this before, let us give you a run down:

- Wear Your Pyjamas, it's a good time and it will. get. messy.

- YOU SLEEP NAKED? That’s cool, don’t come naked, Wollongong is cold, so you will probably embarrass yourself.

- We'll be providing sleepover movies all night on the screens, we're thinking of opening with SCREAM, but throw us suggestions on the rest.

There'll be more, but until the night that's all you get!

Bands on the night:

Hand Of Mercy
Hunt the Haunted
At The Gallows
Bad Deeds

The Hot Damn! DJ's come down from Sydney to provide 2 dance floors to get loose to and pick up that babe / dude babe you're eyeing off.

Top floor is Punk / Hardcore / Hot Damn classics to sing along to (After the bands).

Bottom floor is nothing but Party / Dance / Hip Hop / whatever the fuck else you kids are into these days.

Drinks Specials apply because we're awesome like that:
$4 Beer / Spirits / Shots 'til 10pm
$5 Beer / Spirits / Shots 10-close

Doors at 8pm
Sydney's most notorious party night, in Wollongong.