Party: 1 Year of Orbits - JONAS KOPP, Amulador, Nørbak

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1 Year of Orbits - JONAS KOPP, Amulador, Nørbak

Club: Gare Porto

Geht: 134
Datum: 25.12.2017 23:55
Adresse: Rua da Madeira, 182 (junto à estação de S.Bento), Porto, Portugal | Auf der Karte anzeigen »

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Party: 1 Year of Orbits - JONAS KOPP, Amulador, Nørbak

Da sua Buenos Aires natal para as cabines e editoras internacionais, Jonas Kopp tem levado consigo o talento inato, quer enquanto produtor como DJ, reconhecido unanimemente pelo público e imprensa especializada. Os seus temas, ora inspirados no deep house de Chicago ora focados num techno cerebral e introspectivo, começaram por ser acolhidos em 2006 pela MindTripRec de Pfirter, e desde aí têm passado pela Deeply Rooted [Dj Deep], Stroboscopic Artefacts [Lucy], Warm Up [Oscar Mulero], CLR (Official) [Chris Liebing] ou CONSTRUCT RE-FORM [Zadig]. Sem nunca olvidar as suas raízes, Jonas Kopp funda em 2008 a Traut Muzik School, editora dedicada à divulgação do trabalho de artistas argentinos, tendo nos anos seguintes criado a Manzel e Untidy, destinadas a receber os seus projectos homónimos. Com um muito aplaudido 1º álbum [Beyond the Hypnosis - Tresor Records 2014) e já este ano com Photon Belt, na mesma Tresor, Kopp atinge outros patamares, mas é com os pés bem assentes na terra que continua a brindar as audiências, utilizando 3 pratos e percorrendo as diversas sensibilidades da música de dança.

Entrada: 10€ com bebida até às 3h | Elas: Entrada livre

From his native Buenos Aires to a host of international labels and DJ booths, Jonas Kopp has proven his immense talent as a DJ and producer with unanimous praise across the board from the specialized press and from music fans across the world. His tracks, that take in classic Chicago influences and blend them with a more cerebral and introspective form of Techno, were embraced as early as 2006 by Pfirter’s MindTripRec and then later by Deeply Rooted [DJ Deep], Stroboscopic Artefacts [Lucy], Warm Up [Oscar Mulero], CLR (Official) [Chris Liebing] or CONSTRUCT RE-FORM [Zadig]. Never one to stray from his roots, Jonas Kopp formed Traut Muzik School in 2008, a label dedicated to spreading the word of argentinian artists. In the following years he created Manze and Untidy as an outlet for his own work. With a critically lauded debut album (Beyond The Hypnosis - Tresor Records 2014) and with the release of Photon Belt, also on Tresor, Kopp has reached the upper echelons, however it is with his feet planted firmly on the ground that he continues to greet audiences, using 3 decks and a wide variety of dance music to entrance and astound.

Entry: M_10€ with free drink until 3am | F_ free