Party: Intensive WORKSHOPS: KIZOMBA ladies styling 12.12!

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Party: Intensive WORKSHOPS: KIZOMBA ladies styling 12.12!

Welcome to the intensive WORKSHOPS for the ladies!

During the workshops you learn the main ladies bodymovement, arms styling, footwork. How to combine body isolation together with the footwork and make nice stylish movement !

12. December / Friday
kizomba solo where you learn: hips movement for different kizomba main steps, footwork - how to step in kizomba, body isolation

PRICE: 1 workshop(1,15hrs)=10 €
REGISTER: registration table or via email [email protected]
WORKSHOPS ADDRESS: Estonia pst 1/3, 3 floor

Eingeladen: Andre Haikal, Tatjana Kashunina, Дарья Канель, Annika Tammik, Maria Kersman, Niina Tks, Kristi Tedrekin, Kadi-Johanna Reial, Katriin Laanet, Olga Lustsik, Meeli Tamm, Luis Izzo, Jaana Lauri, Karin Keskül, Monika Timberg, Katia Lavrik, Evelyn Jõgi, Olesia Kle, Triina Liis, Viktoria Bshkt, Siiri Saarmaa mehr »