Party: !!HEUTE!! RAVE ON SNOW TOUR 2014 w/ Daniel Wilde live, Sascha Dive, Rafael Da Cruz uvm.
Startseite > Frohnatur > !!HEUTE!! RAVE ON SNOW TOUR 2014 w/ Daniel Wilde live, Sascha Dive, Rafael Da Cruz uvm.
Geht: 557
Datum: 14.11.2014 23:00
Adresse: Frohnhauserstr. 75, Essen, Germany | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
Wir melden uns, sobald die Partybilder hinzugefügt wurden
Das ist eines dieser wunderschönen Winterphänomene unserer Technoszene. Ein kleines Dorf in Österreich verwandelt sich einmal im Jahr für ein Wochenende in eine schneebedeckte Oase der elektronischen Musik. Seit 21 Jahren gibt es nun das Rave on Snow Festival und seit 14 Jahren zieht es die Veranstalter immer wieder nach Saalbach Hinterglemm. Ihnen folgen hunderte Raver und natürlich das who is who der Techno Szene. Die insgesamt 10 Stages / Clubs bieten genug Raum für ein breitgefächertes Soundangebot.
Ob Sven Väth, Andhim, Pan-Pot, Claptone... hier treffen alle Größen aufeinander und verwandeln das kleine Dorf in ein Techno Paradies. Es ist die Besonderheit jeder einzelnen Location, die Symbiose aus alpenländischem Charme und exzessiver Feierei, die diesen Ort zu etwas ganz besonderem machen. Hoch oben auf dem Gipfel eines Berges dreht sich alles nur um eins: RAVE ON SNOW.
Wir haben keine Berge und kein Schnee und trotzdem holen wir uns ein Stück Rave on Snow in den Ruhrpott und sorgen für das ein oder andere Schneeerlebnis. Wir sind stolz offizieller Partner der „RAVE ON SNOW TOUR“ zu sein.
Also ihr Affen, zeigen wir den Schneehasen wie wir hier feiern!
Sacha Dive (Cocoon / Cécille / Deep Vibes)
Daniel Wilde live (Souvenir / Stil Vor Talent / CLR)
Rafael Da Cruz (Compost / Faze)
Domenic D´Agnelli (Sono Vivo / Levelnonzero)
Carlo loco (STRASSENMUSIK / Frohnatur / Viva la Electronica)
EinDas (STRASSENMUSIK / Frohnatur / Viva la Electronica)
Bob Morane (Yes We Can / Soeul Community / Viva la Electronica)
2 Floors // Indoor and Outdoor
6 Dj´s & 1 Live Act
23.00 - 01.00 Uhr Rafael Da Cruz
01.00 - 02.00 Uhr Daniel Wilde Live
02.00 - 03.30 Uhr Domenic D`Agnelli
03.30 - 06.00 Uhr Sascha Dive
06.00 - 08.00 Uhr Daniel Wilde
24:00-02:00 EinDas
02:00-04:00 Carlo loco
04:00-06:00 Bob Morane
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Rave on snow Trailer 2014
Sascha Dive
Daniel Wilde
Rafael Da Cruz
Domenic D´Agnelli
Sascha Dive
Hailing from the greater Frankfurt Area Sascha Dive has made quite some impression on the international house and techno circus over the last years. Although the deephouse traveller looks back to an amazing amount of pristine releases with the first official vinyl pressed back in 2007 one can still call him a young gun. Especially if you look around in the deeper fields of house music these days this gifted producer and DJ seems to be a great exception. And this isn't a disadvantage at all: With all the energy in his mind and hands Sascha Dive proves with every gig and every production that he easily plays on one level as many of his legends, if not even higher.
Strongly influenced by the godfathers of deephouse like Moodyman, Chez Damier or Ron Trent and following the first waves of top notch German houselabels like Playhouse Sascha Dive progressed to a serious floor fighter since his first official appearance in 2007. With a musical taste reaching from his deephouse backround and soulful minimal sounds to kicking and mind blowing techno he played almost every leading club and festival over the last years.
However Sascha Dive is not only taking his sound and vision to the world's finest floors, he still manages it to release more and more music. Dive released a vast amount of productions and remixes on high class labels such as Tsuba, Freebase, Deep Labs (Balance US), Raum...Musik or Stir15. And besides all the touring and producing he still runs his own "Deep Vibes" label with great success. "Deep Vibes" brought up some outstanding music by Sascha Dive and his his buddies and „house-mates“ like Brothers Vibe, Robert Dietz, Christian Burkhardt or Markus Fix (just to name a few) and most of it on vinyl! So it's no wonder that vinyl master Sven Väth signed Sascha to Cocoon Artists and Cocoon Recordings.
Daniel Wilde
Surprising audiences, taking them on a journey by mixing up various and even indie tracks, blending them with straight basslines, berlin house and some dubby techno – this is Daniel Wilde.
You might know his voice from the latest Tiefschwarz album Chocolate. He made his entree to the deep-house scene with tracks such as Home, Stones or It’s time, and bridged the gap between stage and audience when he was performing with Tiefschwarz live.
In the meantime he has been collaborating with some big names in the scene, like Audiofly, Re.You, Marcus Meinhardt, Adam Port or Santé and released records not only on Souvenir Music, but also on Mobilee, Supernature, Liebe*Detail, Heinz Music, Stil vor Talent, 8bit and CLR.
For CLR he wrote three songs on Monoloc’s debut “Drift”, which he also sang and co-produced, adding a deep and soulful dimension to this unconventional techno long-player.Beside his work as producer and singer for different projects, Daniel´s dj career made a massive leap, taking him not only to Barcelona, where you find him playing at off-Sonar and Werk It, but also to Lisbon, Copenhagen, WMC Miami, Sullivan Room New York or Watergate, Kater Holzig, Wilde Renate & Club der Visionäre in Berlin.
Recently he has been working on a brand new live act with live vocals and instruments, featuring his own productions and co-productions, which he will be showcasing in 2013.
Nur noch einmal Schlafen <3
Eingeladen: Steffi Schwering, Tiger Dot, Enrique Morales, Omar Bravo, Jenny Rüsselfrau, Mar Ko, Bob Morane, Ben A D'dict, Norbert Dünkel, Mathias Schopmans, Alexandra Maruhn, Peter Szabo, Patrick Baer, Alma Gold, Gianni Di Muro, Claudio Brauner, Nadine Moll, Francois Charpentier, Niki Ma, Dana Bertram, Nise De, Martina Salmeri, Sebastian Patrick, Lau Lö, Gerrit Hoffmann, David Da, Anna Obering, Jane Dee, Mareen Sch, Almedin Bego, Elme Dina, Marcel Marker, Malte Siemen, Paschi Nolios, Tobi Reuen, Lisa Weinmann, Judith Albi Albert, Nora Herde, Isabelle Oczylok, Benjamin, Lau Rali, Julie Ng, Torsten Krebs, Nina Freiheit, Kristina-Viktoria Jakob, Lara-Lynn McLeod, Erkan Koc, Felix Jarisch, Leif Van de Eck, Issi Moehrchen, Laura Richter, Viv Gold, Sebastian, Kai Mei Hou, Mali Bilikis, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, JayJay Rox, Katy Ko, Sezer Bo, Ralle Berlin, Jana Blach, Charlie Sophie, Sarah Kü, Lina Abu-Baker, Kate LaDi, Kalle Wirsch, Alexander Gäthlich, Angela Laabs, Vera Reichert, Julius Hei, Dennis Weis, Maurice Kar, Sonnenmann Dancefloor Gestalter, Christin Chantal, Julz Boe, Balwinder Singh, Kevin Sien, Paddy Vook, Tim Sieg, Jean Haze, Damianø Di Cagnø, Laura Mcb, Vanessa Lieben, Laura Di, Marie-Julie Peter, Maira Ri, Michel Kraffi, Dejan Kostov, Marvin Nesiem, Mace Tanzt, Mayleen Haubennestel, Sunshiine Goodfella, Alex Polenske, Nicholas Wülfing, Sabine Schwarz, Dreiviertel Schlegel, Lisa Leberwurst, Tim Wie, Kate Schmitz, Strassen Laterne mehr »