Party: FFS Presents: Teacher Swap
Startseite > Free Flow Studio > FFS Presents: Teacher Swap
Geht: 32
Datum: 03.04.2017 15:30
Adresse: Teatri väljak 3, Tallinn, Estonia | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
Wir melden uns, sobald die Partybilder hinzugefügt wurden
Varsti käes 1. aprill ja me kõik teame, mis see endaga kaasa toob! TEACHER SWAP
3.-4. Aprill pöörame kõik tunnid pahupidi ja vahetame treenereid...for fun!
See kord saad omale treeneri ise valida muide!
Google forms küsitlusest leiad kõik trennid, mis antud kuupäevadel toimuvad. Vali listist stiilid, millele soovid treenerit valida ja kirjuta alla kasti keda mingit stiili õpetama soovid- võid valida nii mõne teise treeneri kui ka mõne oma trennikaaslase, kelle tundi kangesti võtta tahaks!
Küsitluse vorm:
Vastata saad kuni 23. märtsini! :)
Aitäh vastamast ;)
Soon it's April Fools' Day which of course means trouble!! That's right, as always we're doing the TEACHER SWAP
April 3.-4. we're turning the classes upside down and we're gonna swap teachers.
As April is the month of fun, we're going to celebrate it in Free Flow Studio with a Teacher's Swap on April 3.-4.
This time you can choose a teacher yourself!
From the Google form inquiry you can find all the classes that fall in to these dates. Choose the styles to which you want to choose a teacher from the list and write in the box below who do you want to teach the styles. Btw you can choose another teacher or even some student, whose class you'd like to take!
Google form:
You can answer until March 23! :)
Thank you for your answers ;)