Party: FFS Presents: Obelixx workshop for dancers in all styles
Startseite > Free Flow Studio > FFS Presents: Obelixx workshop for dancers in all styles
Geht: 26
Datum: 18.03.2017 15:00
Adresse: Teatri väljak 3, Tallinn, Estonia | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
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FFS Presents: Marco Menezes aka Obelixx Soul and Movement Design Class.
Marco artisti nimi on Obelixx. Ta on tuntud ja austatud Belgia, Portugali, Norra, Soome ja India tantsumaastikul. Marco on O.P.F, Obelixx Popping Factory filantroop. See on MTÜ, mis asutati 2010. Aastal. O.P.F-i tuntakse ülemaailmselt tantsijate seas tänu meeskonnaliikmetele, kes pärinevad erinevatest paikadest nt kõik eelnimetatud ja lisaks ka Tokyost ja New Yorgist.
Marco on õppinud ja jaganud erinevaid stiile üle Euroopa peaaegu 25 aastat. Tema kunst hõlmab nii Aafrika juurtega paaris tantse kui ka erinevaid tänava stiile nt Hip Hop, House, Popping. Tema nime tuntakse ka kõhutantsu kogukonnas ning ta on mentoriks ja treeneriks Obellycious Portugal ja Belgias.
Ta püüdleb Urban ja idamaise maailma ning teatri maailma ühendamise poole.
Lisaks muule on Obelixx kahe teatrishow direktor ja kaaskoreograaf mitmes teises projektis.
Workshopi kirjeldus:
Patendeeritud workshop:
Pandora's Oboxx © Chapther 3.0
“Work On Your Style” (Tööta oma stiiliga)
Selles workshopis läheneme tantsustiilidele teistsuguse nurga alt.
Töötame poppinguga, tegeleme wavinguga, House printsi Jacki-iga ja lõpetame Busta ja Hip-Hop flowga. Kõik see kokku segatuna kontseptsiooni treeningu ja muusika lahkamisega.
" Work on Yourself" (Tööta endaga)
Mu isiklik lemmik- selles osas kasutame emotsioone, tekstuure, kiiruse kontrolli ja natuke psühholoogiat, et arendada ka oma sisemust. Hing. Erinevatel uuringutel põhinedes on selle workshop ülesanne toetada ja arendada sind kui tantsijat, seest välja.
Vajalik eelregistreerimine:
[email protected]
1 x 2,5 h - 15 €/ 20 €*
* Registreerides esimese nädala jooksul (15.02-22.02) kehtib soodushind 15 €, hiljem registreerides 20 €.
PS! Registreerida saab vaid kohtade täitumiseni.
*Workshopi tasu ei kuulu mitteosalemisel tagastamisele.
FFS Presents: Marco Menezes aka Obelixx Soul and Movement Design Class.
Marco’s artistic name is Obelixx. He’s known and respected as a leader in
the dance community in Belgium, Portugal, Norway, Finland, India. Marco is
the philanthropist of O.P.F, Obelixx Popping Factory. It’s a non-profit
organization, founded in 2010. O.P.F is well known worldwide in the dance
scene due to the variety of nationalities represented with crew members in
all the countries mentioned above and also in Tokyo NYC. Marco has been
practicing and sharing multiple styles across the EU for close to 25 years
His art range from African rooted partner dancing to various “street”
styles such as Hip Hop ,House, Popping. His name is also known and
respected in the Belly dance Community, where he has been a upcoming face
in multiple events. Mentor and coach of Obellycious Portugal and Belgium.
He strives for a bridge between the Urban and Oriental world and Theater
Director of 2 theater shows and Co choreographer on other pieces, amongst
several other achievements.
Patented workshop:
Pandora's Oboxx © Chapther 3.0
" Work On Your Style "
In this workshop we will approach dance styles with a different point of view. We will work on intricate styles such as Popping, travel to the world of Waving, meet Jack the prince of House,and we end with Busta and our Hip Hop flow! All of this mixed with a little spice of concept training and musical dissection.
" Work on Yourself"
My Personal favorite, in this workshop we will use emotions, textures, speed control and a bit of Psychology as tools to improve our core. The soul. Based on intense studies,this workshop is made to support and develop everything you are as a dancer. Inside out.
via e-mail: [email protected]
1 x 2,5 h - 15 €/ 20 €*
*Registe this week (15.02-22.02) and the price for workshop is 15 €, afterwards the price is 20 € .
PS! Registration available until the spots fill up.