Party: Tonight! The Fox Cabaret presents Hip Hop Party Legend Sir-Mix-A-Lot

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Party: Tonight! The Fox Cabaret presents Hip Hop Party Legend Sir-Mix-A-Lot

Toast to ’90s nostalgia and shake that healthy butt when the Fox presents a comeback show for hip-hop hero Sir Mix-A-Lot, the classic MC behind “Baby’s Got Back”.

Saturday, December 20th — 10pm 'til 2am
Fox Cabaret (2321 Main St.)


About Sir-Mix-A-Lot
In 1992, Sir Mix-A-Lot became a pop culture phenomenon with his gonzo tribute to “thick soul sisters” dubbed “Baby Got Back”. But even before he struck crossover gold, Sir Mix-A-Lot was one of rap’s great DIY success stories. Hailing from Seattle, a city with barely any hip-hop scene to speak of at the time, Mix-A-Lot founded his own record label and produced his own music, gaining a strong following in the rap community for his bouncy, danceable, and bass-heavy tracks, indebted to old-school electro. But it took signing with Rick Rubin’s Def American label to ultimately carry him into the mainstream. Perceived as a one-hit novelty, Mix-A-Lot initially found it difficult to follow his breakout success, but kept on recording, and even toured as part of a rap-rock supergroup called Subset, a collab with the Presidents of the United States of America. Today, Mix-A-Lot is regarded as a classic MC whose legendary hit was recently reworked by Nicki Minaj into chart-topping single “Anaconda”.

With special guest Cherchez La Femme


About the Fox Cabaret
Located in the heart of Mt. Pleasant, The Fox Cabaret is a nightclub and performance space which provides a platform for the best of independent culture Vancouver. An almost 40-year-neighborhood fixture, the Fox has been home to a cult cinema, an indian movie house and was the last 35mm adult theatre in North America. Relaunched in 2013 by the Arrival Agency, the Fox has been reborn as a cultural space with a commitment to high quality, music, art, performance, entertainment and fun.

Eingeladen: Janny Chou, Brandon William Fletcher, Beth Velliky, David Walmsley, Russell Case, Duncan McHugh, Larry Wong, Ariela Siegel, Danimule Fernandez, Alyssa Kosmer, Cameron Hush, Trevor Leon, Lyndsay Tilston, Patrick Campbell, Heather H, Neumann Lim, Kas P, Julia Audrey, Michelle Andrus, Ashley Rose, Kate Knox mehr »
