Club: Dance School Salsa Brillante


Dance School Salsa Brillante

Piata Unirii, nr.10, et.2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Telefon: 0742569359 sau 0745668136
Über den Club:
"Find your inner shine!" Because we know that, brilliance and the flame of passion can exist in ea... Mehr lesen
Events gesamt: 35
Alle Partygäste: 1117
Alle männlichen Partygäste: 394 (35%)
Alle weiblichen Partygäste: 723 (65%)

Dance School Salsa Brillante Galerie (8)

Untitled Album Salsa Brillante 2nd Anniversary - PART2 Profile Pictures Sombrero Noche Show Off Salsa Party - vol. 2