Party: RomCom - The Valentine's Day Comedy Showcase

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Party: RomCom - The Valentine's Day Comedy Showcase

"RomCom" is Jai Thai's FREE Valentine's Day stand-up comedy showcase...with a twist! We've only booked comics who are dating each other and each comic per couple goes up and does five minutes of material back to back. THEN we quiz them with some very unique questions in order to see which couple truly knows each other the best (aka The Newlywed Game).

Featuring Seattle Comedy Power Couples -

Luke Severeid & Anica Cihla
Shannon Koyano & Andy Miller
Tanner Hodgeson & Erin McSmith
Christan Leonard & Henry Russell Stoddard
Jim Stewart Allen & Seattle Seahawks Punter Jon Ryan*

* Jon Ryan will not be attending the show. Jim just loves him enough that we want to see if he knows more about Jon Ryan than these couples know about each other. Come and find out!

Eingeladen: Jules Jones, Casey Middaugh, Greg Kleciak, Michael Zurinskas, Matthew Krause, Cynthia Brothers, Karl Olson, Mona Concepcion, Tyson Koyano, Jasœn McBride, Naomi Tsukuda-Doering, Jordan Eskenazi, Laura Quinn Tubbesing, Doug Brown, Meg Smith, Christan Leonard, Val Nigro, John Naden, Brad Feather, Rachel Walls, Aisha Farhoud mehr »