Party: REDLIGHT District #RLDXO

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Party: REDLIGHT District #RLDXO

XO̲ Entertainment presents:

★★★ REDLIGHT District #RLDXO ★★★

A night for mature audience. Surprise entertainment all night long!

Powered by Ciroc Red Berry, RedBull RED, Rhythm Fx Entertainment, The ILLuminautians

A night you will not forget, we promise!

Please wear something red.

Advance tickets on sale next week

For bookings and reservations contact 780.278.4190 or go to

Eingeladen: Asha Clarke, David Demian, Darryl MacDonald, Brian Waterman, Sammy Ekstrom, Catherine Porritt, Lindsay V.C, Vafa Sinaei, Melody Dubois, Ossie H, Clarissa Hunt, Crazzy Bella Tori, Vanessa Mastervick, Angela Wruck, Jasmine Biron, Paige Rogers, Alysha Bennett, Gabrielle Spisak, Brad Hartford, Cody Foxall, Adrian Ludford mehr »