Party: Boston Music Scene Presents: The Sun Lions, Le Roxy Pro, Something in Common, Lesser Knowns

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Party: Boston Music Scene Presents: The Sun Lions, Le Roxy Pro, Something in Common, Lesser Knowns

Boston Music Scene Presents:

The Sun Lions

Le Roxy Pro

Something In Common

Lesser Knowns

Eingeladen: Simon Chao, Grant Kristofek, Matthew Pires, Christine Everett, Alana Shea, Nicole Thurnau, Ashton Porter, Patrick Anthony, Chris Collins, Abby Svenson, Ben Voskeritchian, Jim Hinchcliffe, Ken Mazaika, John Shea, Kyla Michelle, Jane Hyoun-Ju Park, Jina Zhou, Sydney Kinchen, Michael Basu, Jared Howell, Brett Pahigiannis mehr »