Party: OP HAMMERFALL - Night Milsim 4th/5th April
Startseite > Cerberus Airsoft > OP HAMMERFALL - Night Milsim 4th/5th April
Geht: 50
Datum: 04.04.2015 17:30
Adresse: , City of Bradford, United Kingdom | Auf der Karte anzeigen »
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OP: Hammerfall
In late February 2014 Russia began sending troops and military equipment into the south west following the February 2014 Monrovian revolution.
Soldiers of ambiguous affiliation began to take control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Monrovian territory. Putin initially denied Russian troops were involved but then admitted in April that Russian troops had been active and said this had laid the ground for the Monrovia state referendum.
After the annexation, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Kirkill area of Monrovia escalated into an armed conflict between the Russian forces and the Monrovian government.
In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border, massing over 40,000 army units. Today Russia has pulled out after NATO forces were moved up to a staging post less than 100 miles from the Monrovian border. However, it was too late for the Monrovian elite guards, a mix of rebel and pro-Russian forces left behind and determined to bring down the Monrovian government.
Russia still has an MSR running between the west and themselves, they have left a forward observation company in a wooded area, this area is now controlled by the MEG. Intelligence was received and it is thought that the MEG are planning a strike on the heart of Monrovia.
A NATO task force has been sent in to locate and destroy all communications before mounting a strike at 1st light on the 5th April 2015. Their mission is take down the communications infrastructure and push out all MEG from the area. NATO have use of UAV’s and artillery, however the MEG have a firm foot on the ground with heavy defence and IED’s to stop anybody getting close.This will be a Night MILSIM at our popular Harrogate site, standby for more info.
1700 - 0900 the next day.
£30 PP (£25 MEMBERS) - 1 Smoke each + Mulitple ammo and pyro drops, flares and IED kits. + Added equipment inc NVG scattered about. NO FOOD.
Notes: NATO Task Force; Woodland Camo, Green Tracer ammo only, Nightvision Gen 2+ Max
Monrovian Elite Guard ;Civvies or military clothing but NO camo, pattern Red or Orange Tracer Ammo only Nightvision Gen 2+ Max
Military Simulation
Commonly known as MilSim, this type of event takes Airsoft to another level. Events are usually open to anyone but often there are no hire places available. MilSim is mostly played by experienced players and people with a military background, often serving soldiers take part and the events are designed to be as close to a real combat experience as most people would want to get. It can be a much slower game than an ‘Open Day’ with long periods of moving into position and waiting followed by fast and intense action. There are often limitations to this type of event such as specific uniforms for the teams and ammunition limits and re-supply to make it more realistic. Vehicles and night vision are often used to enhance the atmosphere. MilSim’s can be run as a day event but are typically run for a full weekend.
Eingeladen: Ben Django Jeffro, Wing Pang, Kris Arnold, Stephen Dobson, Kris Walker, Arnie ArniesAirsoft, Spike Lewin, Richard Lazenby, Andy Porter, Sean Tackleberry Dooley, Kev Waterhouse, Andy McFarlane, Ian Vanoorschot, Michael Rivera, Toby Mcclane, Dan Burns, Alex MacCunn, Andy Nuttall, Rob Langhorn, Danny Tu Fife, Shane Palmer ッ, Richard Rommel Hoggard, Si Duck, Dave Scott, Dan Jenkins, Paul Fairclough, Mark Sheridan, Brian Green, Sam Moult, Josh Oogie Boogie Chapman, Craig Shackleton, Ashly Rowles-Donovan, Steve Stratford, Adam Holdsworth, Dan D Carter, Richard Morley, Ryan Staite, Andrew Paul Wright, James Rattray, Jason John Jones, Daniel Overbury, Michael Milky Berry, Patrick Sollitt, Leon Addison, Josh Todhunter, Dan AN Chapman, Jordan Toddy Todhunter, Damien Williams, Glenn Sagar, Nathan Wall, Tim Waterhouse, Darren Bates, Reece Gray, Adam Henson, Andrew Knox, Jake Adam Rix, Fernando Barbedo Pinto, Ryan Johnson, Kermit B Lively, Lee Van Der Var, Karl IamMclovin Briggs, Connor Fitzpatrick, Andrew Quinch Prior, Matt Barker, Mel Foulger, Benjamima Puddle Duck, Richard Stephenson, Jordan Embleton, Andy Kokman Lee, Paweł Redziński, Yun Tien Pang, Oliver Morley, Adam Whelan, Rory Jose, Lizzie-Jane Fletcher, Dave Sexton, Bnar Ali, Matthew 'asherz' Astley, LordQuoc Thai McTruong, Sam Needham, Louis Cash, Ian Lee Catch, Dale Harriman, Angelo Di Vito, Liam Neo Cobain, Mark Brehany, Matthew Harriman, Jonathon Connor, Jamie Lobban, Craig West, Dave Hill, Stephen Hayden, Ben Simmons, Ashley Connor, Jake Berry, Thomas Battensby, Jack David Brooke, Charlotte Bowskill, Antony Andrews, Max Harper mehr »