Party: Easter Sunday: 80s vs 90s Night.

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Party: Easter Sunday: 80s vs 90s Night.

Alot of you have been asking for an 80s or 90s night so here is both, coming this easter!

* Sunday 5th April.
* Level 1: 80s Night with DJ Drewbear
* Level 2: 90s Night with DJ Billy.
* Drinks from £1
* 11pm-4am

Twitter: @cathouseglasgow
Instagram: @cathouseglasgow.

Eingeladen: Karl Robertson, Catriona Louise, SJ MacCallum, Pamela Mess, Esther Abercrombie, William Murdoch, Jillian McDonald, Lucy Malcolm, Ryan Flanagan, Fra Paccino, Jordan C Henry, Emma Brown Collumb, Sarah Gillies, Ewan Holberg, Billy Moat, James Towering-Inferno Kennedy, Shaun Singh, Martin McAveety, Rachael Craig, Nicola Elissabeth Cuddihy, David McGowan mehr »